Moyou London Festive 63 Halloween Plate

October 11, 2018

I think this may be my perfect Halloween stamping plate. I got Moyou London's festive 63 plate a couple of weeks ago, they released three new Halloween themed plates to their festive collection (I could only afford to buy one) and I instantly knew which one I needed to own! This is the first plate I own from the festive collection, but I'm sure I'll buy at least one when the inevitably release new Christmas themed plates later this year. 

I have always loved anything Halloween themed and witch-themed things are even better! So the second I saw this plate announced on Moyou's Instagram I went straight over to their website and ordered it! 

The plate is absolutely stunning, it has six full nail size designs and a ton of smaller designs of varying sizes. All of the designs are themed around witch things: pentagrams, ouija boards, cats, runes, potions, crystals and loads more. I think every single design on this plate is absolutely beautiful and there are so many designs that there are endless ways you can mix and match the designs.

Designs using this plate:

You can buy this plate for £6.99 from Moyou London's website HERE

Here's a link to see all of Moyou's Halloween related products:

- N :)

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