Born Pretty L003 Halloween Stamping Plate

October 15, 2018

I have Born Pretty's Halloween L003 plate to show you. It's the first of three I have from Born Pretty's 2018 Halloween plates.

Born Pretty have released several plates in different sizes and styles for the Halloween season and this is one of my favourites.

L003 has six large, full nail size designs and a ton of smaller designer that you can use as accents or repeated around your nail. The plate has lots of different types of designs: spiders, ghosts, mummies, bats, pumpkins, etc. It's super fun and I love so many of the designs on it...

Here are a few designs I created using this plate:

You can buy this plate for £2.26 from Born Pretty's store HERE

Oh, and if you want 10% off your Born Pretty order... use my discount code: NMYX31

- N :)

***post contains PR samples***

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